Ballycastle meetup report

April's North Coast Community Exchange meeting was held in Ballycastle. The venue was the Solas Studio off Leyland Road. Everyone agreed that it was a lovely, comfortable, spacious, bright venue. Eleven people attended and it was great to welcome two newcomers who had traveled from Belfast especially for the meeting and to find out more about the Community Exchange. As the scheduled talk on the S. L. O. W. Movement by John had to be postponed, it was suggested by Martin that we did a round of 3 questions to generate thoughts and ideas about the Community Exchange system.

These are the questions that were asked and everyone had the opportunity to give their answers and thoughts :

  1. Introduce yourself and say what you want and what you currently offer?
  2. What is your experience of the Exchange so far?
  3. What changes / new development would you like to see happen in the exchange?

It proved to be a great way to generate a lively discussion and to learn more about peoples wants, offers and experiences. Changes and new development ideas were about a Buddy system for new members to help them navigate the system and have support on hand, and there were suggestions of how to promote the NCCE and wether or not we use social media to do this.

next meetup in Coleraine: Saturday 18th May 2024, Coleraine Sandel Centre, 11am-1pm.

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