Ballycastle picnic meetup report

On Saturday June 15th, we had our monthly Community exchange meeting at the sea front in Ballycastle. Surprisingly, the sun shone (apart from the odd grey cloud) and, most importantly, it stayed dry!

Around 13 people attended and sat around a picnic table and on the grass for a very informative and entertaining talk on the S.L.O.W Movement principle by exchange member, John Wilkinson.


He explained that the idea originated in 1986 when, Carlo Petrinis protested against the fast food company McDonald's, opening a restaurant in the Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps), Rome. From this successful protest, the SLOW movement grew.

John told us that the movement is not about doing everything at snail pace , it's about doing everything at the right pace. He went on to give a great example of cutting grass with machinery and the effect that has on the trees, environment, wild life, our own bodies etc., compared to working at a slower, gentler, more thoughtful pace with a scythe and how this benefits both ourselves and the world around us.

John told us how he uses this philosophy in his daily life, garden and in his work as a boat builder. He gave examples of how the principles of the movement can be used in so many other aspects such as fashion, education, art, ageing, food, conservation, thought, democracy, parenting and travel.

Judging by the amount of questions and discussion following John's talk, there is no doubt that this was a very enjoyable and thought provoking talk.

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